Share2Care enables health and care staff to see a more complete picture of your past and current medical history. When health and care staff have an understanding of your health needs, it helps them to make the right decisions quickly, providing better and safer care. Only staff involved in your care and those who have a legitimate reason are allowed to view your care record.
Opting out of sharing your medical data could result in the following repercussions:
- It may mean tests are repeated due to the information not being accessible.
- You may need to repeat the same information to different members of staff.
- The staff treating you won’t be able to see information about you that’s held by different NHS services, only the information held about you by the organisation they work for.
- It may delay treatment.
- Health and Care staff will have to contact other organisations for information, which can take time and result in further delays.
How to opt out?
If you would like to opt out of Share2Care, then you must contact each organisation individually who is involved in your care. Please see links below for the Trusts involved: